Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, if youre looking for grilled jalapeno lemon chicken recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect grilled jalapeno lemon chicken recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.
Before you jump to grilled jalapeno lemon chicken recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about What Are The Positives Of Eating Superfoods?.
You have become what you put within your body. This is so true. If you eat some hen that bird will be broken down as well as amino acids are going to be used to restore cells and develop muscle. The same goes for all other foods, so its important that you simply eat properly. Folks currently are consuming more superfoods as these foods have been shown to enhance your health and give you lots of vital nutrients. So what constitutes being superfood. In easy terminology, some food is good for us and some not so good. Antioxidants in nutritional food helps our immune system whereas harmful foods have little value and can make you fat. The nutritional kinds of meals are where youll discover superfoods.
Some other good quality superfoods to consume are tomatoes as they contain something referred to as Lycopene which is a superb antioxidant. An additional superfood is spinach thats abundant with iron along with one of the B vitamins called folate. Spinach is also high in protein and contains lutein that may help keep away loss of sight in old age.
So with their nutritional value and antioxidant qualities it is unquestionably recommended to begin introducing some superfoods into your daily eating habits.
We hope you got benefit from reading it, now lets go back to grilled jalapeno lemon chicken recipe. To cook grilled jalapeno lemon chicken you only need 5 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.
The ingredients needed to cook grilled jalapeno lemon chicken:
- Prepare 1 of chicken breast.
- Prepare 1 of jalapeno.
- Get 1/2 of onion.
- Provide 1/2 cup of lemon juice.
- Get 2 dash of ground pepper.
Steps to make grilled jalapeno lemon chicken:
- dice jalapeno remove core w/ seeds.
- sprinkle ground pepper on chicken.
- marinate chicken w/ lemon juice and diced jalapenos over night.
- marinate onions w/ jalapeno and lemon juice over night.
- place chicken breast on bbq grill.
- add marinated onions to chicken.
- bbq both sides untill golden brown ( 10min each side ).
If you find this grilled jalapeno lemon chicken recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.